Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First pics from Japan

Here are pictures from the first leg of our Japan trip!

The slideshows below are in reverse chronological order:

Two days at a beach resort on a small island called Kume-jima off of Okinawa

Day of travel from Hakone to Kume-jima

One day in Hakone visiting around Mt. Fuji

A quick visit to Matsumoto where were saw one of the oldest castles in Japan

A great day at Edo Wonderland, a theme park emulating the historical Edo period of Japan

A day of temple sightseeing in Nikko


ALINA said...

The pictures look great! no more food photos please! i would sooooooo much like to be there!

Try adding some text though

Sima said...

OMG, is that a fish? I'm going to have nightmares of that thing for at least a week!! Glad to see that you are also documenting the Japenese toilets. Always curious about how the Japenese pee. :)

Paramendra Kumar Bhagat said...

I saw all the pictures. Amazing shots. So very interesting. I especially like that big fish. And who is that samurai?

ALINA said...

It's Mt. Fuji not FUGI!!!!!